Evidence-Based, Holistic Wellness for Interstitial Cystitis

Don’t let your symptoms hold you back living
the life you deserve!

I’m glad you are here.

Hi! I'm Selin Agdere, a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) with a mission to empower women with IC to balance their body using diet, lifestyle & mindset shifts.

In 2009, I was diagnosed with a painful, auto-immune condition known as Interstitial Cystitis and my life changed overnight. Western medicine offered no cure, only symptom-masking drugs with serious side effects.

I wanted to feel good again. I wanted to work, have a social life, and eventually a family. Going down the rabbit hole, I researched desperately for answers online. That’s when I found out about Alternative Medicine and its holistic approach to heal a person by bringing their body into balance through diet, herbal medicine, and lifestyle changes.

I found a pioneering gut-health specialist & Integrative Chinese/Western medicine doctor in L.A. who specialized in IC. She was incredibly compassionate and had hundreds of success stories treating IC. This felt like the right path for me and I embarked on my transformative healing journey.

I learnt what to eat, how to read product labels, how to avoid toxins, because a person with IC often has food and chemical sensitivities that result in painful, heart wrenching flares.

15 years fast forward, conventional medicine still doesn’t undestand how IC manifest and can be managed. It is far more complex an issue, a whole-body dysfunction, than a condition you have to manage by simply avoiding triggering foods. Unfortunately most patients feel alone to face the challenges of a new life with IC without further support. I’ve been there and I really get how frustrating and isolating it is.

After gaining my health and becoming a mother, I quit a successful career as an art director at a leading marketing agency and went back to school to study holistic wellness and healing. My own healing journey fueled a lifelong mission to help others to find relief and live life with ease and joy.

If you're feeling hopeless and confused, you are not alone! As an IC-warrior, I’m committed to help you overcome the challenges of living with IC and stop chasing your symptoms.

Let’s work together to transform your health!

I help women with Interstitial Cystitis
to find relief from chronic symptoms
and rediscover the joy in life...

2009, Diagnosed with IC

2016, Became a mom ❤️

Check out these stats:

An estimated 133 million Americans suffer from at least one major chronic disease

Nearly 80% of people with an autoimmune disease in US are women

of people with chronic diseases develop secondary autoimmune disease

It takes more than 4.5 years
and a minimum of 4 doctors to diagnose your chronic disease

There are more than 100 autoimmune conditions: Fibromyalgia, Hashimoto thyroiditis, Crohn disease, Multiple sclerosis

  • Chronic pelvic pain

  • Frequent and painful urination

  • Urinary urgency

  • Waking up to during the night to urinate

  • Bloating, gas, constipation

  • Food & chemical sensitivities/flare ups

  • Brain fog

  • Anxiety & Depression

  • Painful menstrual cycles

Are you struggling with these symptoms:

Let's work together to bring your body back into balance.

What is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional Therapy is a science-based, holistic approach to optimal health. It focuses on understanding and resolving the underlying imbalances in the body through comprehensive functional testing and individualized protocols.

The goal is to bring the body back into its homeostasis and optimal function. Nutritional Therapy Practitioners (NTPs) are rigorously trained in the functions of the body and how diet and lifestyle shifts supports achieving that natural balance. This unique approach makes it fundamentally different than the current one-size-fits-all nutritional trends and advice.

Why work with me?

Combining personalized nutrition and lifestyle shifts, I address both the physical and energetic aspects of your wellbeing for sustainable results.

Personalized protocols

Natural doesn’t mean IC-healthy! Clients with auto-immunity will learn to be mindful of their diet, skincare & household products to enhance their healing and to avoid further inflammation.

Root-cause solutions

Band-aid solutions are symptom chasing without sustainable results. Instead, we’ll work together to address the underlying cause/s of your IC and find you lasting relief.

1:1 Support

This is not a diy, online program, where you are expected to figure it out alone. You’ll work directly with me so I can support your body at each stage of your healing process to get you desired results.

Want to hear more about my process?

Your body wants to heal and I’m here to help you facilitate it.

  • I have a food-first approach: properly prepared, nutrient-dense, whole food diet.

  • I adopt a holistic approach because true health is a whole-body affair.

  • I don’t follow fad diets because they are simply not sustainable.

  • Our sessions will be collaborative where you actively engage in the process.

  • Your body is a powerful and self-healing mechanism.

  • Nutrition and environment have a greater impact on your health than your genetics.

My approach to healing…


Get you results.

  • Wake up feeling restored and embrace a life brimming with energy, vitality, and joy.

  • Reclaim an active, pain-free life. Play with
    your kids, stay social, and live life to the fullest.

  • Sharpen your foggy-head and focus to tackle tasks with a focused, confident mind.

How it works:


Initial Health Consultation
(90 min)

We’ll start with a full evaluation of your medical history, current concerns and health goals while addressing daily challenges and mindset blocks.


Recommendations Session
(90 min)

We’ll go over your functional assessment results and
create a personalized dietary and lifestyle plan to move
your towards your long-term health goals.


Follow-Up Sessions
(30 min)

Weekly follow-ups to modify and refine your protocol based on how you’re feeling throughout your healing process.

Functional assessments are available for an additional fee.

4-Day, Food & Mood Journal Review
Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire, (NAQ) and Evaluation
Functional Blood Chemistry + Evaluation

For clients with chronic conditions, I recommend a minimum 3-month commitment.

Certifications & Achievements

What my clients are saying…

My story of healing…

From Autoimmune to Thriving:

My story of healing through holistic nutrition.

Over 15 years ago, when my autoimmune diagnosis with no cure sent me on a path of holistic healing, it sparked a lifelong passion for helping others women achieve optimal health through natural solutions as well.

Having worked with some of the most compassionate, holistic practitioners to help bring my body back into balance, I decided to combine my knowledge with functional nutrition to help others.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food—Hippocrates.

Around the time I became certified as an NTP, my son developed immune & digestive issues along with food sensitivities. He also had recurrent sore throats, eczema. Combining the healing power of nutrition with the expertise of a holistic, Chinese/Western Medicine specialist and herbal medicine, he healed and even became stronger. During this challenging time, I learnt how to cook nutrient-dense, picky-child approved meals and snacks, avoiding highly-processed foods that can damage the gut.

As a mom, I understand the daily juggling act that leaves no time to think about preparing balanced meals. I also believe regardless of your family’s unique circumstances, there is so much you can do to improve your family’s wellbeing with practical everyday meals.

In fact, those daily, incremental shifts are what truly make a difference.

Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu wisely once said, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Our mantra will be: "One meal at a time."

Frequently asked questions:

  • As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), my approach centers on understanding each person's unique health needs and creating an individualized protocol to support them on their health journey.

    I believe true wellness can only be achieved with a holistic approach. Our body is made up of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems that need to work in harmony, just like a beautiful symphony. Dysfunction at any of these levels will create a negative ripple effect on our overall wellbeing.

    With chronic illnesses on the rise, especially among school-aged children, you can see why the current one-size-fits-all approach is failing us.

    I focus on addressing imbalance, deficiency, and toxicity, taking into account genetic predispositions, stress, and our modern nutrition. Through nutritional assessments and functional labs, I customize protocols to help my clients reach their health goals.

    This whole-body approach has helped me on my healing journey and I am excited to help you on yours.

  • Nutritional therapy is a comprehensive, root-cause approach that complements allopathic medical care.

    For acute emergencies or life-threatening situations, medical doctors are the frontline heroes saving lives with immediate and critical care. For prevention and ongoing management of chronic illnesses, however, a proactive and individualized focus is incredibly valuable.

    Most of my clients are referred through integrative and functional medicine doctors who recognize the importance of nutrition but lack the time or in-depth training in nutrition to offer personalized guidance.

    Together, we build a collaborative healthcare model that delivers a truly personalized care.

  • Anyone committed to their own health. My main focus is women and children, but my root-cause resolution approach is equally efficient regardless of gender, age, or any existing health conditions.

  • Most of my clients start seeing results in 2-3 weeks. However, it takes time and commitment to address health concerns from a root-cause approach. Just know the rewards are tremendous and your wellness is worth it!

  • Yes, as a certified Supplement Quality Specialist (SQS), all of the supplements I recommend are food based professional brands that I personally trust and use.

    Most consumer grade supplements are full of synthetic ingredients and additives. Some are manufactured through highly chemical processes. I prefer to work with supplement companies that are honest and dedicated to producing high quality-supplements.

  • No, you do not need to use supplements to achieve results. I have a food-first approach that focuses on properly prepared, nutrient dense, whole food diet. I may occasionally recommend supplements therapeutically in your protocol (short-term) but our focus will mainly be on real food.

  • NAQ (Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire), backed by the Nutritional Therapy Association, is a comprehensive and detailed 300+ questionnaire. It enables Nutritional Therapy Practitioners and Wellness Professionals to evaluate signs, symptoms, and corresponding nutritional deficiencies at a system and organ level.

    The function of ALL of the following are evaluated: Upper GI, Liver and Gallbladder, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Mineral Needs, Fatty Acids, Sugar Handling, Vitamin Needs, Endocrine System, Cardiovascular, Kidney and Bladder, and the Immune System.

  • Yes! Virtual appointments are via Practice Better Telehealth, a secure, HIPAA-compliant platform. You can attend from the mobile app or web browser. A meeting link will be sent 24 hours prior to our session.

  • No, at this time I do not accept insurance.

  • To ensure mutual respect for our time, please be mindful of the following cancellation policy: If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, kindly do so at least 48 hours in advance to avoid being charged the full session fee. When you book an appointment, I dedicate several hours to reviewing your paperwork, allowing us to fully focus on your health goals during our sessions. While I understand emergencies may arise, please reach out to me directly if you need to make any changes to your appointment.

Have more questions? Let’s connect!

“Maybe you are searching among the branches, for what only

appears in the roots.”


Free Discovery Call

I invite you to schedule a complimentary 30-minute discovery call to explore how I can support you in achieving your goals.

During the 30-minutes, we’ll briefly talk about current concerns, how you have navigated them so far and decide if we are a good fit.

I will share my thoughts about what’s causing your signs and symptoms and explain how nutritional therapy's holistic approach can help you reach your health goals.

Price: $0.