Enrollment opens June 20, ‘24

Vital Mind Reset

Transformative 44-day online program - as featured in “A Mind of Your Own” by Kelly Brogan, M.D.

It’s when you show up for yourself
that the real healing begins.

Vital Mind Reset is a deep dive into diet and lifestyle medicine.

This online course delivers Dr. Kelly Brogan’s 44-day intensive protocol, which requires strict adherence to diet, detox, and meditation practices. It’s a one-time purchase and lends itself to a readying for psychiatric medication tapers and healing without medications.

Backed by over 15 years of clinical research! 

…as featured in Dr. Kelly Brogan’s New York Times Bestseller: A Mind of Your Own.
The only online program with history-making outcomes of its kind...

Hear the transformative results participants have experienced…

Vital Mind Reset leaves no stone unturned.

When you join VMR, you’ll gain immediate access to:

  • 44 Days of Video Lessons and Practices that teach you how to go inwards to name your fears so you can start to empower yourself to move past them

  • Myth-busting sessions the Myths of The Protector, Body Machine, Mind-Body Dualism, and Modern Food. Because you can’t make sovereign decisions about your health if you’re stuck in the mythical dreamland (read: nightmare) of modern medicine

  • Food protocols to help you learn how to listen to your body so that you can give it what it needs to energize a more vital life

  • A complete 30-day meal plan including delicious paleo and vegetarian* recipes and a planning calendar.

  • In depth lessons on how to nurture and support your microbiome and get to know your gut so you can move towards healing any inflammation and mood imbalances that your current diet might be causing

  • Simple, short daily meditations that help your nervous system deal with whatever this world decides to throw at you

  • Real talk and wisdom around how to incorporate the protocols and practices we’ll take on together during our 44 days into your everyday life once the program is over

  • Over 20 handouts and cheat sheets like: The ‘Safe Treats’ Guide, Self-Care Calendar, and more!